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Playing for the PawSox


PawSox and Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame Begin New Season of  "Playing for the PawSox" Music Program

Invite local bands, music groups and artists to play pre-game concerts outside of McCoy Stadium


The Pawtucket Red Sox and Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame are providing a great opportunity for local music artists to show their stuff by entertaining their fans prior to home games.  Local bands, artists or groups are invited to play pre-game concerts outside of McCoy stadium on a special stage prior to each of the team's 72 home games this year.

Any local band or artist (Rhode Island or nearby Massachusetts) may apply by filling out the online form below.  The Hall will work with the PawSox to promote the program and reach out to the music community, and will be responsible for the initial screening of applicants.  Artists accepted through this process will be passed on to the PawSox for final approval and selection of dates.

We are seeking a good mix of musical acts, including most musical genres, experience levels (some prior performing experience is required), age levels, professional solo artists and bands, and high school, college and community groups. Music and lyrics must be suited to all ages.

Artists must provide links to some of their live music as part of the initial application process. You will be contacted by a Hall representative if there are any questions and to notify you of any decisions.

The following is for bands who wish to apply, followed by the online application form:

  • There is no payment for playing, nor are there any fees incurred by the artists
  • Artists are expected to play for 90 minutes, up to 15 minutes prior to game time
  • The stage size is 12' x 12' (see stage above right)
  • Bands are expected to bring all musical and sound equipment, and handle all setup any time during the day. The PawSox provide the stage, tent and 4 power sockets.
  • PawSox and park personnel will be available at all times for any assistance needed and will meet you at the park when setting up.
  • You may provide preferred dates and unacceptable dates but there are no guarantees that any date will be available.
  • Artists may set up a banner with their name on it and sell CDs. The PawSox have the right to disallow CDs with questionable material on the packaging. NO fundraising or selling of any other items, including t-shirts, memorabilia, or other clothing, is allowed.
  • Artists retain the rights to all performances while the PawSox have the rights to take photos or short video clips to use in promotions.
  • Artists will receive free tickets to the game, and will remain on the PawSox and Hall websites with links to their website until the next season, in addition to other promotion.
  • Artists may also apply to perform the National Anthem (pre-game) or God Bless America (7th inning) on the day they perform by sending in or linking to an example of the complete performance they would give.
  • Upcoming performances will be heavily promoted through websites, social and other media.
  • Potential dates can be found here.

Thank you in advance from the PawSox and Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame for your interest. If you have any questions or comments, please email Jeff Keithline.

To apply, please fill in the form below:


Contact Title

Contact Name






Cell Phone (if different)



Band Email (if different)



Years Performing Live

Type of band/music/genre

Check if you wish to perform: National Anthem  God Bless America

Preferred Dates

Links to live performances (include links to performances of the National Anthem or God Bless America if you wish to perform either one).

Any Questions/Additional Information



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Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame  999 Main Street, #100  Pawtucket, RI  02860  info@rhodeislandmusichalloffame.com